Additional Agencies
Use the Additional Agencies Request to submit a Request to one or more Product Providers to set
up one or more Additional Sub-Agencies for your firm. It is assumed that your firm already has
Terms of Business and therefore at least one Master Agency with each of the selected Product
Agency Closures
The Agency Closures Request is primarily used to alert Product Providers of any
individual leavers (usually Advisers), to request that their Agency Codes are discontinued (closed
to new business) and ensure access to related client records and services is cancelled
You can also Request that specific Agencies are closed for reasons other than an individual leaver,
for example, to facilitate an internal agency rationalisation, cleanup or restructuring exercise.
Change of Details
Use the Change of Details Request to submit a Request to one or more Product Providers to apply
one or more Changes of Details to their Agency records.
You can inform them of changes to either a firm or an individual’s name, address and contact
details. You can also add any additional information as required.
Change of Membership
Use the Change of Membership Request to ensure that Product Providers are kept up to date with
any changes in Service Provider / Panel relationships for your firm, primarily so you can be certain
that they assign the correct commission terms to new business applications received from your
A Request can be created and submitted to one or more Product Providers to change the relevant
Membership details held in their Agency records. If your firm is joining a new Service Provider or
changing Panels, then the Request will be verified by the Service Provider involved before it is sent
on to the Product Providers.
Change of Bank Details
Use the Change of Bank Details Request to submit a Request to Product Providers to apply
changes to one or more of the Bank Account Details stored against your Agency records. The Bank
Account changes communicated must be those relevant to the receipt of commission payments
from Product Providers and are therefore recorded against the Agency records they have setup for
your firm.
Change of Bank Details Requests are only be submitted to the Product Providers for processing
once they have been approved by an Authorised Signatory User at your firm.
Attachment request
The Attachment Request is used to submit one or more attachments in the format of PDF, Word,
and Excel etc. to one or more Product Providers.