After logging in, you will be taken to your Home Page. This is configured to give you access to all
of the Agency Administration functions that are available to your User Roles.
Access to these functions is provided by the Menu on the left-hand side. For example:
• Administrator Users may update information about their firm by clicking on Profile in the Menu. They may also create and maintain other Users by clicking on the Account link at the top of the page.
• Standard Users can use the Requests menu to create, update and submit Agency
Administration Requests that they have been granted permission to access. They can also
update their own User information by clicking the Account link at the top of the page
On your Home Page is the Requests in Progress table itemising the Requests that staff at your firm are currently working on and the Requests Completed table listing a history of Requests that have been previously completed.
Double-click a Request in either table to view the details of that Request.
The Requests in Progress table shows Requests that are:
• Currently being created prior to submission to the Product Providers or
• Awaiting Authorisation from an Authorised Signatory at your firm prior to
• Awaiting Verification from a Service Provider prior to submission or
• Currently being processed by Product Providers following submission
Once a Request has been fully processed by the Product Providers it moves into the Requests
Completed table.